Carpal tunnel FAQs

Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in many people that spend hours working on their computer, typing for work or school assignments. More and more people are finding themselves becoming the victim of carpal tunnel pain. With the advent of telework and online classes, it's no wonder people are starting to turn to a chiropractor for help. A chiropractor can be one of the best resources to help reduce your symptoms.


At Beyond Medical in Altamonte Springs, FL, we're here to help our patients find relief from carpal tunnel and help improve their quality of life. Don't be stuck living with the pain of carpal tunnel. Instead, get the chiropractic care from a chiropractor on our team!

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a musculoskeletal disorder that occurs due to the compression of the median nerve. This nerve extends from the forearm all the way down the palms of the hands and the fingertips. The compression of this nerve can lead to strange and uncomfortable symptoms, including pain while writing, numbness in the ring and pinky finger, and a tingling sensation throughout the forearm.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly a result of placing the forearm on a hard surface while working at a desk. This can lead to pain in the forearm as well as weakness. 

How Can a Chiropractor Treat Carpal Tunnel?

A chiropractor on our team can help provide carpal tunnel treatment by massaging the forearm and any surrounding areas affected by the compression of the median nerve. Using massage therapy and stretches along the forearm, a chiropractor on our team can help alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel and loosen up the compressed muscles and nerve in this area.

He or she will only conduct the proper chiropractic care if he or she determines your symptoms are truly due to carpal tunnel and not another similar condition.

Will My Carpal Tunnel Return?

People with carpal tunnel who continue to practice poor ergonomics might find themselves in constant pain due because of it. While there is almost never a 100% guarantee carpal tunnel will not return, a chiropractor on our team can help minimize your risks of recurrent pain by providing chiropractic care, follow-up care, and providing lifestyle advice to fix your posture and working conditions. 

Find Carpal Tunnel Treatment at with a Chiropractor on Our Team

At Beyond Medical, a chiropractor on our team is here to provide treatment for residents of Altamonte Springs, FL. Call us at (407) 261-1001 to schedule an appointment for carpal tunnel treatment. 



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